Professional Growth Policy: A Balance of Professional Responsibility & Accountability
In May, 2018, I read an article about teachers suffering
unusual administrative demands and a year on, a similar article was
published in Education Review that discusses the
effects of administrative overload. Clearly something needs to change in
education but who is courageous enough to lighten the teachers’ load? It
appears the pendulum between accountability and professional responsibility has
swung too far towards accountability. Teachers aren’t given the professional
respect and recognition once held and if we don’t acknowledge and promote
teacher agency, we will continue to have teachers
leave the classroom.
With increased accountability, the pressure for teachers to
extend their impact beyond the growth of their students to the success of an
entire education system is unreasonable. Society expects teachers to
effectively perform in an already highly-demanding position. It is a complex
system of curriculum, pastoral, technological, socio-cultural, economic, and
political demands. Schools are continuously evolving, and teachers are chasing
the illusion of mastering all the demands of the present to meet the
requirements of the future. With higher expectations and levels of
accountability, this must affect teacher wellbeing and teacher retention.
The NESA Accreditation Policy (2018) has resulted in a shift of accountability from the New South Wales Education Standards Authority (NESA) to Schools. Ideally, accreditation should reflect the authentic teaching and the learning moments that happen in the classroom and should be centred on teacher growth and development. However, with limited time and support, it appears the accreditation process has become more a box-ticking exercise where documentation aligns to a level within the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. Andrews & Munro suggest that using these standards as a box-ticking process may contribute to the 'erosion of individual professional judgement' (2019). This accreditation process may deprive teachers of valuable collaborative and planning time and I question how effective the process is at building teacher capacity and agency. Being linked to a salary increase, teachers and their supervisors experience an amplified workload and additional pressure. Does the outcome justify the time and effort required or is there a more effective approach? If the outcome or focus is on professional growth and responsibility, coaching, especially in a teacher’s first five years of teaching, could be more effective than this document-driven accreditation process. The agency-enabling process of coaching may also support teacher wellbeing and ultimately, influence teacher retention.
Not restricted to New South Wales or Australia, this global issue is reflected in a Times Educational Supplement (tes) article from the UK, 'Accountability is the noose strangling teaching'. Williams states that changes to accountability are vital for teacher wellbeing. Additionally, in an Education Week (US) article titled, Absenteeism, Teacher Stress, and School Safety: School Climate Factors to Watch in 2019, 'many educators feel stretched too thin, underpaid and misunderstood'.

Always wondering...
The question of professionalism and accountability is such an interesting topic Andrea. I remember writing about this a few years ago in response to the question of performance pay ( It feels like it is a misreading of trust and coaching.
ReplyDeleteGreat topic to comment about Andrea. I agree that accountability measures in education are looked upon by many teachers as a tick-a-box exercise that takes so much time away from our teaching. If teachers were given more opportunities to provide input into the development of these processes, I am certain that they would look very different. I like the idea of using coaches or mentors, as I have benefited as a teacher under such practices.
ReplyDeleteIt is so true that teachers are often forced to balance impossible standards. I think it is important that we hold teachers to high standards, but do not demand the impossible from them. Through better teacher education programs this feat may be possible.